Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back from vacation...

Although a few things going on in the world prevented me from complete relaxation. Here's a list for your perusal:

  1. Kia Vaughn--Vaughn is the Rutgers basketball player suing Don Imus in civil court for the infamous "nappy headed hos" comment that led to his eventual firing. Kia, get over it, and get over yourself. You were called a name. If you follow through with this suit and win, you're worse than anything Don Imus called you. You're now a pimp, and the legal system is your ho.
  2. Ted Haggard--Good to see this blowhard is inserting himself into the public eye again. And guess what? He wants your money! It seems the disgraced former head of the National Association of Evangelicals can't get by on the $336,000 he's earned since the beginning of 2006 (plus book royalties), not to mention the house in Colorado Springs he's been trying to sell for $700,000. Hey Ted, I hear the drug trade is a pretty lucrative game.....wait, you've already tried that, haven't you? There's always male prostitution, but you've had a taste of that, too.
  3. Idaho Sen. Larry Craig--What else can I say but another morals-spouting, gay-hating conservative wacko gets pegged for a sex crime. Upon further examination, the list of allegations through the years against this guy reveals his career is spottier than Britney Spears' sheets under a blacklight. Larry, can't you find any place more private than the bathrooms of Union Station or the airport to do your deeds? And, do you really need legal representation to advise you to plead "not guilty" if you are innocent?
  4. Congress--I hope they, especially Democrats, had some good boots on, because they had quite a time stomping all over the Fourth Amendment with the passage of the Protect America Act of 2007.
  5. Iraq War--No politics, no finger pointing this time. The reason for my vacation was to see my brother, a Marine, who will be leaving for Iraq again in 10-12 days. I'm tired of these trips.

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